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Activities Planning Worksheet

2 min read

Description #

The activities planning worksheet has been created in Microsoft Excel and is provided as a read-only copy. You are welcome to download this spreadsheet to plan and track scouting activities for each Den. This has made it much easier for planning and providing awards as it shows all the necessary requirements in an easy to view format.

When clicking on the link above you will see a simplified view. Tabs at the bottom allow you to view activities for each scout Den. At the top, there is an option to ‘Open in’, as shown below. Choose a spreadsheet option which will allow you to take advantage of the filtering tools!

Using the Worksheet #

The worksheet is separated into Tabs for each Den and another Tab for the Pack. This will allow each Den Leader to easily observe the Achievements for each scouting level with the individual requirements for each achievement.

Achievements are numbered to ensure the relationship is clear. Achievements beginning with ‘e’ are elective achievements. This will help differentiate between the core requirements and electives.

Achievements ending with ‘.1’ is the first requirement entered for that achievement. This is great to use as a filter to get a quick overview of all core and elective achievements. By tracking the complete status in this row, you can easily see which achievements have been completed by your den.

Req Column #

The ‘Req’ column is used to indicate whether the individual item is required. The following list details the designations used in this column. The first item for each achievement will also identify which items are required.

  • Yes indicates the item is required for the given achievement.
  • Opt indicates an item is optional but not required.
  • Opt (2) indicates at least two of the items are required for that achievement. The number will vary based on the number required.
  • Yes Or indicates a selection of required items. You can chose between the Or selections.

Scout Book Rules

Please remember that Scout Book will be used to mark of accomplishments for your scouts. While we hope to keep the spreadsheet updated, it is the scout leaders responsibility to ensure all objectives are properly identified.

Tracking columns #

Additional columns are provided for planning and tracking. We have found it useful to identify who will lead the activities for that achievement, when it is planned to start, when it was completed, and which scouts participated. This information will also be helpful when updating Scout Book to mark achievements as complete.

Choosing Activities #

When planning activities, we have found the Scout Handbooks for each den to be a wonderful resource. Each section nicely details the requirements and offers some great suggestions for activities. In many instances an activity sparked a different idea to add a new twist for our scouts. Activity choices are at the discretion of the Den Leader. This is also true for the order of the activities. However, we do suggest a focus on the core activities such that these are not overlooked as we approach the final awards ceremony.

Additionally, this website provides a link to several resources from BSA. These can be found in the Scout Leaders section of the website menu.

Missing an Activity #

On occasion it may be necessary to have a scout catch-up on one or more activities. This is likely due to missing scout meetings or planned outings. This is a great opportunity to have scouts lead the activity and help their fellow scout. Not all activities must be completed with your Den but it is a great way to instill teamwork and fellowship within the scout pack.

Cub Scout Ideas Website #

Another great resource for activities is the Cub Scout Ideas website. This website provides a wide variety of ideas for activities. This has been great to get some ideas going!

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