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Getting a Uniform

2 min read

To get your new scout a uniform, you can visit the Denver Scout Shop in person, or order the uniform online. A few details about both options will be shown below to help get you started. As a reminder, we encourage the scout uniform to show unity with our Pack and they are required for certain scouting events.

Visit the Scout Shop in person #

Denver Scout Shop
10455 W 6th Ave #125,
Denver, CO 80215

Note: In person, the staff are very helpful and will help you select the proper items based on the level of your scout.

Scout Shop Online #

The following walk through will give you the sample for a Lion scout but it helpful for all scout levels. Please note you can choose a t-shirt for the uniform for Lion Scouts. This is a good choice if you are unsure if your scout will want to continue next year. However, you may also choose the blue cub scout uniform. The uniform shirt is what all other cub scouts wear and is where the earned badges will be displayed.

Sample Lion Uniform Walkthrough #

First choose “Shop By Scout” and select “Cub Scouts”
Next, choose your scout’s level. We are using Lion in this example.

Next, sample selections are shown as a quick reference:

The following items are important:

Cub Scout Lion Kit:
The hard-copy book is best for your scout to draw in the activities pages.

A different book is available for each scouting level. These books are also helpful for Scout Leaders (parents) when making plans for den meetings and outings.
Uniform Shirt:
If you wish to purchase the Uniform Shirt, you can choose between short and long sleeve. For Lion scouts, this can be found by looking at the Tiger uniform options. This is where you scout will move to next year.

We are Pack 317 in the Denver Area Council. The local Scout Shop will have the appropriate patches which can be sewn on, while you wait, for an additional fee.

Sizing of this should should be larger than normal to allow growth for your scout.
Cub Scout Lion Rank Uniform T-Shirt, Youth
Cub Scout Lion Rank Neckerchief
Cub Scout Lion Rank Neckerchief Slide
Cub Scout Cut-To-Fit Uniform Web Belt
Some awards/badges will be belt loops

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